Hepar SulphD10+100C, Arnica MontD7+70C, Euginia JambosaD4+40C, EchinaceaD4+40C, BaptisiaD4+40C
Specific Indication:
In addition to the already existing infection, when there is a microbiological and clinical findings indicate a secondary infection. It is known as super infection. The indication of super infection may appear in the following conditions; lymphatic obstruction, immunocompromised patients, invasive sinusitis, chronic meningitis etc.
General Indication:
As per researchers report the rate of super infection around the world may be higher than previously thought. Dr. Anthony Head of the national institute of allergy and infections diseases said
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
30mL drops standard quality packing