Remedy for cuts, wounds, burns & irritation

A remedy for burns

A first aid for punctured wounds & stings.

Relieves allergies & stings.

Helps to relieve warts & moles.

Relieves nettle rush, shingles & allergies.

A nature’s antiseptic gift for skin care and bleeding piles.

Gives relief to trauma & muscular pain.

Helps to relieve weeping eczema & nails disorders.

Relieves the symptoms of varicose veins and bleeding piles.

Relieves all types of skin affections.

Relieves injury pains and lacerations.

Organic antiseptic, stimulates the immune system.

Fair face Glowing Cheeks.

Bone set remedy.

Helps to relieve white pigmentation of skin and psoriasis.

Helps to clear acne & pimple.

Relieves nappy rashes.

For Breast Enlargement & Cup size shapes cleavage.

Relieves trauma hits, joints & muscular pain.

Multipurpose skin ointment.