Ailianthus GlandulosaD30+100C, Amygdalus AmaraD30+100C, GuaiacumD20+200C, Kali PermanganatumD30+100C, Phytolacca BerryD6+60C, Streptococcus HemoD100+100C
Specific Indication:
The specific symptoms of quinsy (Peritonsillar Abscess) includes fever, headache, sore throat, lymphoditis around neck. In case of complication inability to open the mouth, swelling of the face and neck are common symptoms.
General Indication:
Though quinsy is now rare because most of the people get effective treatment for tonsillitis early enough to prevent it. But even then this disease is found in the remote areas and it can require a stay in the hospital. Quinsy is known as a peritonsillar abscess. The abscess is always on one side only and the swelling appears above the tonsil near the soft palate. The small floppy tissue hanging down in the middle of the soft palate (The uvula) is pushed across to the side without the abscess. Further general symptoms includes very painful sore throat; fever; headache; generally feeling unwell; speech may be impaired; there may be salivation and dribbling; swelling of the throat; neck lymph nodes are enlarged and tender.
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
30mL drops standard quality packing