Overview: Ashwagandha Q | Uses | Side Effects | Herb | Powder | Tablets | Caps | Price in Pakistan

Ashwagandha scientifically known as Withania somnifera is a green shrub commonly found in Middle East, Subcontinent and Africa. It is consider as a stress releaser as its composition consist of some chemicals which may help in relaxing the brain, lowering the blood pressure level and boosting the immune system.
Ashwagandha is also known as winter cherry and it is useful in some cases of Insomnia, tension, stress and anxiousness. Ashwagandha is also used as an adaptogen as it resists the physical and mental stress.

Nutritional Information Av. Per 100g/100ml

Energy (kj)                : 1159
Protein (g)                 :  3.7
Fat Total (g)              :  0.3
Fat Saturated (g)    : 0.1
Fat, trans (g)            : 0
Carbohydrate (g)    : 46.9
Sugars (g)                   : 11
Sodium (mg)             : 200

Uses of Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha is a commonly used herb in Homoeopathic/ Alternative medicine and way of treatment. It is used as an ingredient in many treatments of arthritis and also as a booster for general purpose in many conditions such as fatigue, mental health and energy booster.

Generally, in homoeopathy Ashwagandha is used for following conditions,

  1. Stress
  2. Fatigue
  3. Nervousness
  4. Joint pains
  5. Epilepsy
  6. Skin Diseases
  7. Depression
  8. Inflammations
  9. Blood sugar Level issues

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha:

As discussed earlier, Ashwagandha act as an adaptogen which may help human body in lowering the stress and fatigue, it helps to improve the brain function and lowers the blood sugar level by increasing the insulin level in the body.

Most of the studies are performed on animals and there is no as such research study being practiced on human body and the researchers are not as much sure about the generosity of the effects of the Ashwagandha on human body, while following are some of the benefits of the Ashwagandha which are observed in general practice,

Benefits in Fatigue and Stress:

Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used from the Stone Age in the medical practices as a stress releaser herb due to its calming effect in case of stress and anxiety because it helps to relax the body mentally and physically by improving the cortisol level, recommended dosage of Ashwagandha is 240mg to 600mg per as helps body to release the stress and fatigue and result in a lesser self-reported anxiety.

Benefits for Nervous System:

Some of researches on animals have shown that Ashwagandha can reduce the memory and brain related issues caused due to diseases or injury. Ashwagandha produces the antioxidant activity in the brain which protects the nerve cells from dangerous radicals.

In fact Ashwagandha is being used as a memory booster from centuries in homoeopathic way of treatment while there is no as such scientific research being carried out on human’s brain although there is enough evidence to support the claim of Ashwagandha as a memory booster.

Normally 450mg to 550mg of daily dosage for an adult helps to improve the reaction time, nervous responsiveness, mental health, nervous strength and even in performing activities.

Benefits for Arthritis and Joint Pains:

Ashwagandha helps to relieve pain as it helps to prevent pain signal from the nervous system for travelling. As mentioned above the anti-inflammatory properties of Ashwagandha helps in treating some forms of arthritis and joint pains such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Recommended dose for an adult is about 300mg to 400mg daily as it helps to reduce the joint pains and the lower the risk of arthritis specifically rheumatoid arthritis in adult male and female.

Benefits for Depression:

Ashwagandha improves the testosterone level of the body resulting in treatment of depression, root part of the Ashwagandha is very much useful in treatment of depression and the 300mg daily dose of the Ashwagandha can improve the condition of depression within two weeks depending on the quality of the herb i: e highly concentrated herb with full spectrum is beneficial in the treatment of depression. This claim is being practices from ages but there is no as such scientific research being carried out on the human being while in homoeopathic way of treatment it being recommended as the best treatment for the depression.

Benefits for Skin:

Ashwagandha is a wonderful shrub in case of skin diseases as it is very much effective for pimples, acne and pigmentation. It is also known as anti-aging herb due to its effectiveness in skin problems, it is being used in various body wash and soaps as it helps to clean the dirt in the pores of skin and also act as a moisturizer for the dry skin. Ashwagandha is very much useful in removal of the pigments as it lower the risk of melanin production in the skin which effects the change in color of skin i: e darker tone on some parts of skin.

Most commonly Ashwagandha powder is being used in the treatment of skin and an appropriate amount of the Ashwagandha is being mixed with water and applied to the skin for the better results.

Benefits in Inflammation

Different parts of the herb are different in nature and are used in different conditions such as leaves helps to reduce the inflammations and are normally used in boils, and other burn cases. Roots of Ashwagandha are used as the immunity boosters and helps to recover from chronic diseases.

Benefits for Blood Sugar Level:

In most of the studies, it is being witnessed that Ashwagandha helps to reduce the Blood sugar level in a human body by improving the insulin secretion and sensitivity in the body of a healthy human as well as the person with diabetes.

In a research study, it is being observed that Ashwagandha have improved the insulin level of the pre-diabetic patients and help them lower their blood sugar level 15mg/DL to 4mg/DL

Benefits for Blood Pressure Level:

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen shrub which helps to maintain the blood pressure level by managing the stress level and reducing the cortisol level, drinking the Ashwagandha tea after lunch and dinner is very much helpful in maintaining the blood pressure level.

Side Effects and Precautions for Ashwagandha:

Side Effects:

Ashwagandha don’t have as such reported side effects but some times over dose or in case of wrong symptoms it may have side effects like stomach problems or vomiting, recommended duration for Ashwagandha intake in oral form is 3 months. Although during pregnancy women should avoid taking Ashwagandha as it may cause distress for premature labor.


Following precautionary measures should be kept in mind while using the Ashwagandha herb;

  • Always concern your doctor for the prescription.
  • Ashwagandha may disturb thyroid hormones resulting in increasing thyroid hormones so the herb should be used with precaution if any symptoms were found.
  • During pregnancy women should not take Ashwagandha as it may cause distress for premature labor.
  • It is also not sure that Ashwagandha is safe for breastfeeding women or not so for the safer side kindly avoid using the herb for breastfeeding women.

Availability and Price in Pakistan:

Ashwagandha is available in Pakistan in many forms but mostly commonly used form of Ashwagandha are;

  • Ashwagandha Powder.
  • Ashwagandha Mother Tincture.
  • Ashwagandha Tablets.

Ashwagandha is normally found on field sides and widely grown in the northern areas of Pakistan specifically in Swat.


In a nutshell Ashwagandha is a said to be the natural way of treating stress and fatigue either mentally or physically, there are not as much studies being carried out on the effects of Ashwagandha on human body but the ancient practices recommend Ashwagandha as an effective herb for releasing stress, depression and also helpful in many skin problems.

It can also improve the hormonal activities in the body and would be an easy remedy for many disease and can improve your living.

Although there very no side effects reported for Aswagandha but its always better to consult your Practitioner before using any medicine.