Agraphis NutansD30+100C, Calc FluorD200+200C, ChenopodiumD200+200C, ElapsD30+100C, Cherianthus CheiriD30+100C,China SulphD200+200C, Rosa DamascusD30+100C, VerbascumD30+100C
Specific Indication:
Hearing impairment including deafness is a complex problem and it is caused by many problems, genetic factors, hearing impairment because of disease of the mother during pregnancy, traumatic damage, otitis media, excessive noise exposure and infectious disease.
General Indication:
Researchers studies have shown that genetic factors play an important role in early onset of deafness as well as partial, late onset or progressive hearing loss. Otitis media is a common reason of hearing impairment in children, infectious disease, e.g. meningitis, measles, viral encephalitis, mumps, malaria. Herpes may also be one of the cause of hearing impairment. Ageing among elderly people there is a slow increase of hearing impairment. It cannot be early stated whether the hearing impairment is because of specific ageing factors or an accumulation of various contributing factors. The toxic drugs, e.g. antibiotics, analgesics, and antipyretics may also be one of the cause of hearing impairment.
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
30mL drops standard quality packing