Aletris FarD4+40C, Agnus CastD4+40C, CaulophyllumD5+50C, HeloniasD3+30C, PulsatillaD4+40C, SenecioD4+40C, Aurm Mur NatD20+200C
Specific Indication:
Polycystic ovary syndrome, follistatin blocks the action of the ovarian hormone. Female sterility because of insulin resistance and non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Sterility in female because of impairment of ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes or hormones disorder controlling the function.
General Indication:
It is very much clear that the union of sperm and ovum and the implantation of the foetus in the wall of the uterus leads to pregnancy. For the proper development of the foetus it needs adequate and correct nourishment which is provided through the mothers umbilical cord. Sterility in the female is thus a result of either the impairment of the ovary, fallopian tubes or hormones controlling the function of these organs as well as any diseases suffered by the mother. Different scientific studies indicate multiple reasons and sometimes occasionally it appears reasonless. Female sterility may be because of polycystic ovary syndrome, disturbance in the ovarian hormones functions, insulin resistant and non-insulin dependent diabetic patients & sometimes the defects in the female genital organs which may be organic (structural). To correct the organic defects, surgical measures have to be taken.
Adult: 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
30mL drops standard quality packing