Collinsonia canadensis Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
Collinsonia canadensis Q is acts on portal system. It is effective in hemorrhoids with sharp sticking pain. It is used in constipation. This remedy is used before rectal surgery to prevent from complications. It is helpful in nasopharyngeal and gastric catarrh. This homeopathic mother tincture is indicated in pruritus during pregnancy, with piles.
Dosage: Tincture to third attenuation. Higher potencies where there is organic heart affection. [or to be used as directed by a registered homoeopathic physician.]
Note: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.
Common name: Stone-Root
Botanical name: Collinsonia canadensis
Therapeutic index:
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoid
- Nasopharyngeal and gastric catarrh
- Pruritus