CoculusD200+200C, ConiumD200+200C, Mandragora OffD200+200C, PetroleumD50+50C, Cucurbita PepD2+20C, Apomorphin HydroD200+200C
Specific Indication:
Travel sickness occurs when repetitive small movements mean the brain is sending mixed messages. This confusion usually results in feeling of nausea, sometimes vomiting and perspiration.
General Indication:
The symptoms of travel sickness vary a great deal from person to person. Symptoms may appear while traveling by road, water, air or by any other means. The common symptoms are sour eructations, nausea and vomiting, paleness of face, delirium, persistent hicough, jerking and twitching of muscles etc.
Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor.
30mL drops standard quality packing