Ustilago maydis Q acts on hair, skin and uterus. It is indicated in heavy menstrual bleeding in middle aged women. This tincture is used to treats uterine hemorrhage after miscarriage. It relieves the complaints after sexual abuse. It is effective to treats yellowish, greasy and crusty rash on scalp. Ustilago maydis Q homeopathic mother tincture strengthens hair roots and prevents hair fall.
Dosage: Tincture to third potency. [or to be used as directed by a registered homoeopathic physician.]
Note: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.
Common name: Corn-smut
Botanical name: Ustilago maydis
Therapeutic index:
- Alopecia
- Crusta lactea
- Masturbation
- Menorrhagia; at climaxis
- Uterine hemorrhage
Complementary medicines:
Mother Tinctures: Agnus castus, Aletris farinosa, Avena sativa, Bacopa monnieri, Bellis perennis, Ceonothus americanus, China officinalis, Damiana, Hamamelis virginiana, Jaborandi, Janosia asoka, Millefolium, Moringa olifera, Phosphoricum acidum, Sabina, Salix nigra, Tribulus terrestris, Trillium pendulum
Combination tablets: CT 25 (EUMEN), CT 32 (RESTON), CT 57 (FEMTON)
Heal remedies: HR 21 (FEMINA), HR 43 (FOLICULENUM), HR 66 (GYNAE-INFO) HR 79 (REXMENS)
MPW Numbers: MPW 22 (DEBIREX)
Biogen: Biogen 15 (FEMILAN)
Syrup: Feminex
Oil: Arnica Med Oil
Biochemic salt: Calcarea fluorica, Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Magnesia phosphorica, Natrum muriaticum, Natrum sulphuricum. [Usually prescribed in 6x potency, Dosage: 2 tablets, thrice a day.