Viburnum opulus Q is an anti-spasmodic remedy. It is used to treats all types of spasms, including menstrual cramps and spasms after childbirth. This tincture is helpful to prevents from miscarriage. Viburnum opulus Q is indicated in sudden cramps and colic pain in abdomen.
Dosage: Tincture and lower potencies. [or to be used as directed by a registered homoeopathic physician.]
Note: Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.
Common name: High Cranberry
Botanical name: Viburnum opulus
Therapeutic index:
- Colicky
- Cramps
- Miscarriage
- Spasm
Complementary medicines:
Mother Tinctures: China officinalis, Dioscorea villosa, Holarrhena antidysentrica, Sabina, Taraxacum officinale, Trillium pendulum
Combination tablets: CT 19 (COLEEZ), CT 32 (RESTON), CT 55 (MEDIPAN), CT 57 (FEMTON)
Biogen: Biogen 3 (COLIREX), Biogen 27 (REVITONEX), Biogen (RECOVROMAX)
Syrup: Feminex
Liniment: Active Bryonia
Biochemic salt: Calcarea fluorica, Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Magnesia phosphorica. [Usually prescribed in 6x potency, Dosage: 2 tablets, thrice a day.