Rush of blood to the head with loss of consciousness and
impairment of nerves.
Laurocerasus Q, Ix
Specific remedy.
Rush of blood to the head with loss of consciousness and
impairment of nerves.
Laurocerasus Q, Ix
Specific remedy.
Loss of blood with pale or waxy complexion of face.
Ferrum phos 21
The specific remedy.
May be assisted by Cale phos and Natrum mur in chlorotic School girls.
Small pimples on face with or without pain.
Nuzx juglans Q
In young girls.
Kali brom 32
General medicine.
Dyspnoea, difficulty in breathing associated with cardiac, bronchial or digestive affections.
Blatta orientalis Q
During paroxysm and 3x in the interval in corpulent subjects of malarial origin.
Passiflora incarnata Q
1 dr. in paroxysm, one dose.
Cannabis sativa Q
Can breathe only when standing.
Makaradhwaj Q
Specially when the heart is weak or affected.
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