How Seminal loss, nocturnal emissions and consequent debility is treated in Homeopathy?

Avena sativa Q

It is one of the best medicine prescribed for mental, physical and seminal weakness.

Damiana Q

It can also be alternatively prescribed for the treatment of specific symptoms mentioned against Avena sativa Q

Aswagandha Q

It is prescribed when symptom of mental weakness are prominent in patient.

Ficus indica Q

When patient is suffering from nocturnal emission severely.

Makaradhwaj Q

It is prescribed to those patients which also develop cardiac weakness.

Neupheur leuteum Q

This mother tincture is usually prescribed in cases of Nocturnal emissions, impotence, early ejaculation, and all symptoms are related to them.

Saw pelmeto Q

When enlargement of prostate is associated with spermatorrhoea.

Bellis parenis Q

In this case Spermatorrhoea associated with vertigo.

Salix nigra Q

When impotence is prominent in spermatorrhoea.


What is abortion ?

It is Hemorrhage from the womb in early months of pregnancy.

What is Miscarriage?

Premature delivery of a dead child in later months is called miscarriage.

Mother Tinctures Useful in abortion and miscarriage

Blumia odarata 2, 1x

It is prescribed when bleeding from uterus in gushes during or after abortion when all other remedies have failed.

Cimicifuga Q

It is prescribed to ensure the birth of alive child in expectant mothers who are disappointed due to delivering of dead children. 5 drops thrice daily since fifth month.

Helonias Q

It is prescribed when abortion with excessive bleeding and sensation of presence of uterus with weak womb.

Trillium lx

Postpartum hemorrhage is relieved with Trillium pendulum.