Alternate Names:
Cydon vul, Cydonia Vulg
Cydonia Vulgaris (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Quince
What are Causes & Symptoms for Cydonia Vulgaris (Mother Tincture) ?
It is prescribed for Poor performance in males, which gets relieved with the intake of this medicine.
Cydonia Vulgaris a Best Penis Enlargement Homeopathic Remedy and acts directly on the male system
Its action on the prostate gland is prominent helping to relieve the complaints and infection associated with it.
It makes the sexual organs healthy and increase its size.
It helps in improving Inability to erect and lack of hardness of the private part.
What are Side effects of Cydonia Vulgaris (Mother Tincture) ?
There are no such side effects reported. But every medicine should be taken according to the prescription of registered Homeopathic Physician.
What is recommended Dosage for taking Cydonia Vulgaris (Mother Tincture) ?
Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day or as recommended by registered Homeopath.
What are Interactions and Reactions of Cydonia Vulgaris (Mother Tincture) ?
It is not recommended to use in heart patients and in in senile cases.