Kent Drop 58 | Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of Tonsillitis Drops by Kent Pharma
Apis Meltifica D4, Arnica Montana D4, Belladonna D4, Hepar Sulfuris D6, Mercurius Cynatus D8, Phytolacca Americana D4
Feverish Conditions, Cymphatic diathesis, Tonsillitis. Throat Swollen, inside and outside, tonsils swollen puffy, red, tonsils ulcers. Nose, red, swollen, inflamed. Ear inflamed with stinging pain. Acute tonsilitis, swelling of the soft palate, and uvula. Tonsils enlarged, throat feels constricted, difficult deglutition, the continuous inclination to swollen, scraping sensation, muscles of deglutition very sensitive. Stitches in throat extending to the ear on swallowing. Fever and cold from the slightest draught. Feeling of row and sore in throat. Necrotic destruction of soft parts of the ear on swallowing is very difficult.