The following online homeo shops in UK has wide range of Homoeopathic remedies and these are licensed by the Department of Health as homeopathic manufacturers and offer a prompt next day service of remedies, first aid kits and books by post:
Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy
36 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UF,
Tel: 020 7935 5330, Fax: 020 7486 4313
8 New Road, Covent Garden, London WC2N 4LJ
Tel: 020 7379 7434
Neal’s Yard Remedies over 30 shops throughout the UK plus a mail order service
15 Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9DP
Tel: 020 7379 7222
Website: 22:28:382021-10-20 22:42:22Best Online Homeo Shops in UK
The world is all set to dive into the Pandora’s box of offshore finances as a new investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) into international finance and tax havens will be released to the public at 9:30pm on Sunday.
The ICIJ’s major investigation titled: “The Pandora Papers”, is said to be the result of 600 journalists in 117 countries studying for months roughly 11.9 million documents that leaked from the offshore environment. The countdown has begun as the names of several Pakistanis are said to be on the Pandora Papers.
Late on Saturday, the ICIJ announced that it was going to release the “most expansive exposé of financial secrecy yet”. In 2016, ICIJ had released the Panama Papers, which took the world by storm and eventually led to the downfall of governments, including that of Nawaz Sharif. 17:11:332021-10-03 17:12:10Pandora Papers | Who will get effected in Pakistan | ICIJs Secrets
Homoeopathy is a gentle form of Medicine which was known to the Ancient Greeks, a fact mirrored by its derivation from Greek homoios, meaning ‘like’, and pathos, meaning ‘suffering’. Essentially it means treating like with like.
The great physician Hippocrates first taught that there were two ways of treating a patient. Either one could cure by ‘contraries’ or by ‘similarities.’ That is, one could either give medication to counteract symptoms – the law of contraries; or medication which had the ability to produce the same symptoms as those suffered by the ill person – the law of similar.
In both the cases he believed that physician was merely creating the right conditions for the inner healing power, Vis Medicatrix Naturae to being about the cure.
Over the centuries physicians continued to practice both types of Medicine, although it was not until the 18th century that the similar principle became formulated into a distinct system of Medicine. The founder of this school of thought was an eccentric genius by the name of Samuel Hahnemann. 19:08:432021-08-19 19:10:11Principles of Homoeopathy
Masood Homeopathic Laboratories was founded by Dr. Muhammad Masood Qureshi who was one of the leading Homoeopaths and pioneers of Homoeopathic system of Medicine in the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent. He entered Homoeopathic World as a physician in 1922.
You can view available products on our shop page
Masood Laboratories is one of the leading and renowned Homeopathic Medicines Manufacturing Company of Pakistan.
Their main products includes Homoeopathic Potencies, Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures, Homoeopathic Combinations, Homeopathic Biochemics, Homoeopathic Trirutations etc..
We at are online resellers of Homoeopathic medicines manufactured by Masood Laboratories and are committed to provide these medicines to the door step of consumers through our CASH ON DELIVERY services by M&P and TCS courier services which are one the best courier services available in Pakistan.
We ensure that these products are 100% genuine and they reach to the customers door step with ease and without any damage. 15:53:032021-08-11 16:02:30Dr Masood Homeopathic Company of Pakistan
Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath. For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance.
Dyspnoea, difficulty in breathing associated with cardiac, bronchial or digestive affections.
Homeopathic mother tinctures used for Asthma
Blatta orientalis Q—During paroxysm and 3x in the interval in corpulent subjects of malarial origin.
Passiflora incarnata Q—1 dr. in paroxysm, one dose.
Cannabis sativa Q—Can breathe only when standing.
Makaradhwaj Q—Specially when the heart is weak or affected.
The action of AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged haemorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache, with absence of actual constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Venous stasis general, varicose veins of purple color; everything is slowed down, digestion, heart, bowels, etc. Torpor and congestion of the liver and portal system, with constipation. The back aches and gives out and unfits the patient for business. Flying pains all over. Fullness in various parts, dry, swollen mucous membranes. Throat with haemorrhoidal conditions.
Head.–Depressed and irritable. Head dull, confused, aching as from a cold. Pressure in forehead, with nausea, followed by stitches in right hypochondrium. Pain from occiput to frontal region, with bruised sensation of the scalp; worse in the morning. Neuralgic stitches from right to left through forehead, followed by flying pains in epigastrium. Vertigo when sitting and walking.
Eyes.–Heavy and hot, with lachrymation, with enlarged blood vessels. Eyeballs sore.
Nose.–Dry; inspired air feels cold, nasal passages sensitive to it. Coryza, sneezing. Pressure at root of nose. Membrane over turbinate bones distended and boggy, dependent upon hepatic disorders.
Mouth.–Scalded feeling. Metallic taste. Salivation. Tongue thickly coated, feels as if scalded.
Throat.–Hot, dry, raw, stitching pain into ears when swallowing. Follicular pharyngitis connected with hepatic congestion. Veins in pharynx distended and tortuous. Throat sensitive to inspired air; feels excoriated and constricted, burns like fire on swallowing, in afternoon. Early stages of atrophic pharyngitis in dried-up, bilious subjects. Hawking of ropy mucus of sweetish taste.
Stomach.–Weight of a stone, with gnawing, aching pain; most manifest about three hours after meals. Tenderness and fullness in region of liver.
Abdomen.–Dull aching in liver and epigastrium. Pain at umbilicus. Jaundice; throbbing in hypogastrium and pelvis.
Rectum.–Dry, aching. Feels full of small sticks. Anus raw, sore. Much pain after stool, with prolapse. Haemorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric. Large, hard, dry stools. Mucous membrane seems swollen and obstructs the passage. Irritation caused by ascarides and aids their expulsion. Burning in anus with chills up and down back.
Urinary.–Frequent, scant, dark, muddy, hot urine. Pain in kidneys, especially left and ureter.
Male.–Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool.
Female.–Constant throbbing behind symphysis pubis. Leucorrhoea, with lameness of back across the sacro-iliac articulation; dark yellow, sticky corroding; worse after menses.
Chest.–Feels constricted. Heart’s action full and heavy, can feel pulsations all over. Laryngitis; coughs depending on hepatic disorders; hot feeling in chest; pain around heart in haemorrhoidal subjects.
Extremities.–Aching and soreness in limbs, in left acromion process with shooting down arms; finger tips numb.
Back.–Lameness in neck; aching between shoulder blades; region of spine feels weak; back and legs give out. Backache affecting sacrum and hips; worse walking or stooping. When walking feet turn under. Soles feel sore, tired, and swell. Hands and feet swell, and become red after washing, feel full.
Fever.–Chill at 4 pm. Chilliness up and down back. Fever 7 to 12 pm. Evening fever, skin hot and dry. Sweat profuse and hot with the fever.
Modalities.–Worse, in morning on awaking, and from any motion, walking; from moving bowels; after eating, afternoon, standing. Better, cool open air.
Relationship.–Aesculus glabra-Ohio-Buckeye Proctitis. Very painful, dark purple, external haemorrhoids, with constipation and vertigo and portal congestion. Speech thick, tickling in throat, impaired vision, paresis. Phytolacca (throat dry, more often in acute cases). Negundium Americanum–Box-elder–(Engorgements of rectum and piles with great pain, ten-drop doses of tincture every two hours). Compare also: Aloe, Collinson. Nux. Sulphur. 17:27:242021-03-11 07:13:15AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM - Materia Medica by William Boericke
Adrenaline or Epinephrine, the active principle of the medulla of the suprarenal gland, (cortical secretion not as yet isolated), is employed as a chemical messenger in the regulation of the activities of the body; in fact, its presence is essential to the activity of the sympathetic nerve. Adrenaline action on any part is the same as stimulation of the sympathetic nerve endings thereto. Local application (1: 1,000 solution) to mucous membranes promptly induces transient ischemia, seen in a blanching, persisting several hours from conjunctival instillation. Its action is very prompt, efficient, evanescent, owing to rapid oxidation and therefore practically harmless, unless too frequently repeated, when atheroma and heart lesions–myocardial–in animals have been reported. Arteries, heart, supra-renal bodies and vaso-motor system are prominently affected. The main action of Adrenaline is stimulation of the sympathetic endings, notably the splanchnic area, causing constriction of the peripheral arterioles, with resulting rise in blood pressure. This is especially observed in stomach, intestines; less in uterus, skin; nil in brain and lungs. Furthermore, is noticed, slowing of pulse, (medullary vagus stimulation), and strengthening of heart beat (increased myocardial contractility), resembling Digitalis; increased glandular activity, glycosuria; depression of respiratory center; contraction of muscular tissue of eye, uterus, vagina; relaxation of muscular tissue of stomach, intestines, bladder.
Uses.–Its chief therapeutic use depends on its vaso-constriction action; therefore a most powerful and prompt astringent and haemostatic; and invaluable in checking capillary haemorrhages, from all parts, where local or direct application is feasible: nose, ear, mouth, throat, larynx, stomach, rectum, uterus, bladder. Haemorrhagic condition not due to defective coagulation of the blood. Complete bloodlessness, ischemia, may be induced with impunity. Locally, solutions (1: 10,000-1: 1,000) sprayed or applied on cotton have been very efficient in bloodless operations about the eye, nose, throat, and larynx.
Congestions of the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, also hay fever, have been markedly alleviated by warm spray of Adrenaline chloride, 1: 5,000. Here compare, Hepar 1x, which will start up secretions and so facilitate drainage. Werlhoff’s disease, hypodermically, 1: 1,000. Externally, it has been used in neuritis, neuralgia, reflex pains, gout, rheumatism, as an ointment, 1-2 m of (1: 1,000) solution, along the nerve trunk at point of skin nearest its origin which could be reached (H. G. Carlton).
Therapeutically, Adrenaline has been suggested in acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, Grave’s and Addison’s diseases, arterio-sclerosis, chronic aortitis, angina pectoris, haemophilia chlorosis, hay fever, serum rashes, acute urticaria, etc. Dr. P. Jousset reports success in treating, homeopathically, cases of angina and of aortitis, sub-acute and chronic, when Adrenaline has been prescribed per os and in infinitesimal dose. The symptom guiding to this is, Sensation of thoracic constriction with anguish. This, with vertigo, nausea and vomiting have been produced by the drug. Abdominal pain. Shock or heart failure during anaesthesia, as it causes very prompt rise of blood pressure by its action on nerve endings in the vessel wall.
Dose.–Hypodermically, 1-5 m (1: 1,000 solution, as chloride) diluted in water. Internally, 5-30m of 1: 1,000 solution.
Caution.–On account of its affinity for oxygen, the drug easily decomposes in watery and dilute acid solutions. The solution must be protected from air and light. It must not be too frequently repeated, owing to cardiac and arterial lesions. For homeopathic use 2x to 6x attenuation. 18:17:362021-03-11 06:55:41ADRENALINUM - Materia Medica by William Boericke
A heart medicine, after rheumatism or influenza, or Bright’s disease, where the muscles of the heart are in stage of fatty degeneration, regulating the pulse and increasing the power of contractions of heart, with increased urinary secretions. Most valuable in cardiac dropsy. Low vitality, with weak heart and slow, weak pulse. Hydrothorax, ascites. Anasarca.
Head.–Feels light; aches across front, from occiput around temples to eyes. Vertigo on rising, turning head quickly or lying down. Tinnitus. Scalp feels tight. Eyes dilated.
Stomach.–Heavy weight. Gnawing hunger. Faint feeling in epigastrium. Better out of doors.
Urine.–Oily pellicle on urine. Scanty, albuminous.
Respiratory.–Frequent desire to take a long breath. Feeling of weight on chest.
Sleep.–Restlessness, with horrible dreams.
Extremities.–Aching in nape. Spine stiff and aching. Å’dema.
Relationship.–Adonidin is a cardiac tonic and diuretic. Quarter grain daily, or two to five grains of first decimal trit increases arterial pressure and prolongs the diastole, favoring emptying engorged veins. Is an excellent substitute for Digitalis and is not cumulative in action. 18:11:002021-03-11 06:55:21ADONIS VERNALIS - Materia Medica by William Boericke
Is a rheumatic remedy, especially of the small joints; tearing, tingling pains characterize it. Wrist-rheumatism. Pulsations over whole body, especially liver and renal region. Cardiovascular spasm. Pains worse from touch and motion.
Head.–Fearful, starts easily; confused. Ebullition of blood to head excited by drinking coffee. Vertigo, tearing headache, better in open air, throbbing in brain, pain from crown to between eyebrows; heat in forehead, pain in left frontal eminence as if bone were crushed. Itching of scalp alternating with heat; nose red at tip, fluent coryza.
Face.–Violent pain in upper jaw, running from teeth through malar bones to temples. Perspiration on face and head.
Stomach.–Tearing, darting pains in epigastric region, with vomiting. Cramp-like pains in stomach and epigastrium, with difficult breathing; sense of suffocation. Sudden lassitude after eating.
Abdomen.–Spasmodic retraction. Sticking pain and distension of hypogastrium.
Respiratory.–Short, irregular breathing at night, while lying. Great oppression. Shortness of breath on exposure to cold air.
Extremities.–Tearing pains in loins. Rheumatic pains in small joints, wrist, (Ulmus) fingers, ankles, toes. Swelling of joints from slight fatigue. Wrist swollen, red, worse any motion. Paralytic weakness in the hands. Lame feeling in arms. Pain in knee. Sudden lassitude after talking or eating. 12:37:242021-03-04 12:40:56ACTAEA SPICATA - Materia Medica by William Boericke