

Last stage, pulse weak, imperceptible, cold body, etc.

Camphor Q

Revives heart and brain soon where indica. ted.

Hydrocyanic acid 2x

In gasping for breath, as if this is the last breath.


Aconite nap Q, 1x

Coldness of body, face cyanotic and like

a corpse, great agony, restlessness, beats of heart regular with

Imperceptible pulse and fear of death.

Aconite radix 1x,

Coldness and blueness of the whole body, Respiration very difficult and cold, vertigo, pulse feeble, Imperceptible.

Zinc cyanide 1x

When death is inevitable.

Caffein 1x—Use it in cases of heart failure,



Camphor Q

In the very beginning.

Occimum Q

Running of nose with cough,


Violent vomiting purging, cramps, ‘thirst and sudden prostration, suppression or retention of urine.

Camphor Q

In the beginning or collapse stage with internal burning, external coldness, dryness of skin, desires to be ,uncovered, sudden prostration.

Coffea mocha Q

10 drops every 10 minutes only three doses in all stages.

Recinus Q, 1x

Prominently of diarrhoeic type.

Trycho santhis Q, 1x

Nearly a specific in all stages.