- AalSerum 30 11ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nephrotic syndrome by Dr. Reckeweg
- Abelmoschus 30 11ml
- ABEL MOSCHUS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Abies Canadensis 30 11ml
- ABIES NIGRA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Abies Nigra 30 11ml
- ABROMA AUGUSTA FOLIA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- ABROMA AUGUSTA Q | 30 | 200 | Uses
- ABROTANUM Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Abrotanum 30 11 ml
- Absinthium 30 | 200 | uses | 11ml | Dr Rekeweg
- Acalypha Indica 30 11ml
- ACETANILIDUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM ACETICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM BENZOICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM BUTYRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM CARBOLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM FLUORICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM HYDROCYANICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM LACTICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM NITRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM OXALICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM PICRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM SALICYLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ACIDUM SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Acid Aceticum 30 | 200 | Uses | Dr rekeweg
- Acid Boricum 30 | 200 | Uses | Dr Rekeweg
- Acid Butyricum 30 11 ml
- Acid Carbolicum 30 | 200 | Uses | Dr Rekeweg
- ACID CHRYSOPHANIC | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- ACID FLOUR 3DH | Kamal Laboratories
- Acid Fluoricum 30 11ml
- Acid Fluoricum 30 | 200 | Uses | Dr Rekeweg
- Acid Hyd 30 11ml
- Acid Lactic 30 11ml
- Acid Muriaticum 30 11ml
- Acid Nitricum 30 11ml
- Acid Oxalicum 30 11ml
- Acid Phosp 30 11ml
- Acid phos q
- Acid Picrinicum 30 11ml
- Acid Salicylicum 30 11ml
- Acid Sarcolactic 30 11ml
- Acid Sulfurosum 30 | 200 | Dr Rekeweg
- Acne cap | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acne pimples by Kent Pharma
- Acne Salbe | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acne and pimples by Kent Pharma
- Aconite Nap 30 11ml
- ACONITUM NAPELLUS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Actaea Spicata 30 11ml
- Action 1 | Sexual drops for men by Kent Pharma
- Action 2 | Sexual Spray for men (Local application) By Kent Pharma
- Action 3 | Cream for men By Kent Pharma
- ACTIVE SOLUTION By Masood Laboratories
- Addistop | 21 days Slimming plan course By Kent Pharma
- Adonis Vernalis 30 11ml
- Adrenalinum 30 | 200 | Uses | Dr Rekeweg
- ADRENALINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- AEGLE FOLIA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- AEGLE MARMELOS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Aesculus Hip 30 11ml
- AESCULUS HIP | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Aesculus Pentarkan® Ptk. 3 | Homeopathic medicine for The treatment of Piles and varicose veins by Schwabe
- Aethusa Cyn 30 11ml
- Agaricus Muscaria 30 11ml
- Agave Tequilina 30 11ml
- Agnus castus Q Price in Pakistan | Kamal Laboratories
- Agnus castus Q Price in Pakistan | MASOOD PHARMA
- Agnus Castus 30 11ml Price in Pakistan | Dr Rekeweg
- Agnus | Kamal Laboratories
- Agraphis Nut 30 11ml
- Ailanthus Gland 30 11ml
- Akseer-e-Jiger Syrup for hepatic disorders, jaundice, anemia, liver enlargement by Qarshi
- Aletris Far 30 11ml
- Alfalfa Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Alfalfa Syrup for weight gain, general weakness, anemia, chlorosis and digestive disorders
- Alfalfa tablets a tonic tab for the whole family Gain weight & increase appetite.
- Alfalfa Tonic for weight gain price in Pakistan | Kamal Laboratories
- Alfalfa Tonic Schwabe® | Homeopathic General Health Tonic by Schwabe
- Alfalfa Tonic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of improper digestion by Kent Pharma
- ALFALFA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- ALFALFA-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceutical
- Alfatone | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of digestion by Kent Pharma
- Allergy | Kamal Laboratories
- Allium Cepa 30 11ml
- ALLIUM SATIVUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Alloxanum 30 11ml
- ALL ALLERGIES |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Aloe Soc 30 11ml
- ALSHOKA | Ashoka | Cordial Syrup uses for Ladies
- Alstonia Scholaris 30 11ml
- ALTERIS FARINOSA 2DH | Kamal Laboratories
- Alumen 30 11ml
- ALUMEN |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Alumina Silicata 30 11ml
- Ambra Grisea 30 11ml
- Ambra Musk | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of sexual debility and seminal vasculitis by Kent Pharma
- Ambra Super | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of sexual debility and seminal vasculitis by Kent Pharma
- Amla | Vitamin C rich heath supplements by Kent Pharma
- Ammonium Brom 30 11ml
- AMMONIUM CARBONICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ammonium Carb 30 11ml
- Ammonium Caust 30 11ml
- Ammonium Mur 30 11ml
- Ammonium Phos 30 11ml
- AMYGDALUS PERSICA Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- AMYL NITRATE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- AMYL NIT 1CH | Kamal Laboratories
- Anacardium Or 30 11ml
- Anagallis Arv 30 11ml
- ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Angustura 30 11ml
- Anthracinum 30 11ml
- Anthracokali 30 11ml
- ANTHRAKOKALI |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Antimonium Ars 30 11ml
- Antimonium Crud 30 11ml
- Antimonium Tart 30 11ml
- Antipyrinum 30 11ml
- Anti Crack Cream By Kent Pharma
- Anti Rash | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Skin care by Kent Pharma
- Anti Smoking Tablets By Kent Pharma
- APIS MELLIFICA Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Apis Mellifica 30 11ml
- APIS MELLIFICA | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Apium Graveolens 30 11ml
- Apocynum cannabinum Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Apocynum Can 30 11ml
- Apomorphinum 30 11ml
- Aralia Racemos 30 11ml
- Aranea Diadema 30 11ml
- ARGENTUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Argentum Met 30 11ml
- ARGENTUM NITRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Argentum nitricum | Kamal Laboratories
- Argentum Nit 30 11ml
- ARJUNA Ø| Kamal Laboratories
- ARNICA ESSENTIAL MIX OIL |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ARNICA GEL | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Relieves Pain by Kent Pharma
- Arnica Mont 30 11ml
- Arsenicum Album 30 11ml
- ARSENICUM ALBUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ARSENICUM BROMATUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- ARSENICUM BROMATUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Arsenicum Brom 30 11ml
- ARSENICUM IODATUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Arsenicum Iod 30 11ml
- ARSENICUM SULPH. FLAVUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- ARSENIC BROM. 4CH | Kamal Laboratories
- Arsenic Sulf Flav 30 11 ml
- Artemisia Vulg 30 11 ml
- ARTHFIT |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Arthrovina | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of pain in back limbs and in pelvic region by Kent Pharma
- Arum Triphyllum 30 11 ml
- Arundo Maurit 30 11 ml
- Asafoetida 30 11 ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diarrhoea by Dr. Reckeweg
- ASAFOETIDA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Asarum Europ 30 11 ml
- Asarum Europ 30 11 ml
- Asa foetida Pentarkan® Ptk. 12 | Homeopathic medicine for The treatment of Dysfunction of the Digestive Organs by Schwabe
- Ashwagandha Q | Withania somnifera | Uses | Price in Pakistan | Herb | Powder | Tablets | Capsules اسکند ناگوری
- ASOKA JONOSIA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- ASPARAGUS OFF Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- ASPIDOSPERMA Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Asterias Rubens 30 11 ml
- Aster Syrup | Kamal Laboratories
- Asthavina | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of dry cough, asthma and chronic bronchitis by Kent Pharma
- ASTHMAZEE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Astragallus Exc 30 11 ml
- ASWAGANDHA Ø| Kamal Laboratories
- ATISTA INDICA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Aurum Iodatum 30 11 ml
- Aurum jodatum Pentarkan Ptk 13 for Arteriosclerosis (blocked arteries) Schwabe
- Aurum metallicum | Kamal Laboratories
- Aurum Met 30 11 ml
- Aurum Muriaticum 30 11 ml
- AURUM MURIATICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Aurum Mur Nat 30 11 ml
- Avena Sativa 30 11 ml
- AVENA SATIVA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Avena Super Tonic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of mental and physical fatigue by Kent Pharma
- Aviare 30 11 ml
- BABCHI Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Baby Tonic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of infants teething, toothache and sleeplessness by Kent Pharma
- Bacillinum 30 11 ml
- Bacopa monnieri Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- BACOPA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Badiaga 30 11 ml
- Balsamum Per 30 11 ml
- Baptisia tinctoria Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Baptisia Tinctoria 30 11 ml
- Baryta Carbonica 30 11 ml
- BARYTA CARBONICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Baryta Iod 30 11 ml
- Baryta Muriatica 30 11 ml
- BARYTA MURIATICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Bed Wetting | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of acute urinary infections, enuresis and dysuria by Kent Pharma
- Belladonna 30 | 200 | Homeopathic medicine uses | Price | Dr Rekeweg
- Belladonna 30 | 200 | Homeopathic medicine uses | Price | Kamal Laboratories
- BELLADONNA | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- BELLIS PERENNIS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Bellis Perennis 30 11 ml
- Benefix 10 | Homeopathic Cream for breast enhancement by Kent Pharma
- Berberis Aquif 30 11 ml
- BERBERIS AQUIF Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Berberis Pentarkan Ptk 15 for Kidney Stones and Gout | Schwabe
- Berberis vulgaris Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Berberis Vulgaris 30 11 ml
- BERBERIS VULG Q | 30 | 200 | Uses | Price in Pakistan
- Beryllium Met 30 11 ml
- BETONICA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- BIOGEN-01 (ANAEMODYN) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment Of Anemia And Chlorosis by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-02 (PROVENTIL) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Asthma by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-03 (COLIREX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Colic by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-04 (CONSTILAX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Constipation by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-05 (FLUNIL) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Seasonal Symptoms by Masod Pharma
- BIOGEN-06 (COLD-EZE) | Homeopathic medicine Supportive Treatment In Cough, Cold And Catarrh by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-07 (DIABEX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Diabetes by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-08 (DIACURE) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Diarrhoea by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-09 (DYSENTRIN) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Dysentery by Masood pharma
- BIOGEN-10 (TONSITEC) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Enlarged Tonsils by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-11 (COLDINIL) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Fever And Inflammation by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-12 (HEAD-EZE) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment For Nervous Exhaustion by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-13 (LEUCOTOR) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Leucorrhoea Whites by Masood pharma
- BIOGEN-14 (SNEEZOFIX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment Of Cold by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-15 (FEMILAN) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Menstruation Troubles by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-16 (NEUROLEX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Neuralgia by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-17 (PILE-EZE) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Piles by Masood pharma
- BIOGEN-18 (BLEEDOGUM) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Pyorrhoea by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-19 (RELAXOMAX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Rheumatism by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-20 (DERMICON) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment Skin And Scalp Infections by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-21 (ORACURE) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Teething Troubles by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-22 (PUSONEX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Scrofula by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-23 (RHEUTEN) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Toothache by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-24 (NEURODOL) | Homeopathic medicine for Nerve And Brain Tonic by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-25 (GASTROFIX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Dyspepsia, Acidity And Flatulence by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-26 (PREGNO-EZE) | Homeopathic medicine for Makes Parturition Easy by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-27 (REVITONEX) | Homeopathic medicine for Supportive Treatment In Weakness And Debility by Masood Pharma
- BIOGEN-28 (RECOVROMAX) | Homeopathic medicine for General Tonic by Masood Pharma
- Bioplasgen® No. 1 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Anaemia by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 10 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Enlarged Tonsils by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 11 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Fever by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 12 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Headache by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 13 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Leucorrhoea by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 14 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammation by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 15 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Menstruation Troubles by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 16 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nervous Exhaustion by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 17 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment For Piles & Fistula by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 18 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pyorrhoea infection by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 19 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Rheumatism by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 2 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Asthma by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 20 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Skin Diseases by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 21 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Teething Troubles by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 22 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Scrofula by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 23 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Toothache by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 24 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Tonic Nerves & Brain by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 25 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acidity & Indigestion by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 26 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of easing childbirth/ labor pain by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 26 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Easy Parturition by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 27 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Lack of vitality by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 28 | Homeopathic medicine for General Tonic by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 3 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Colic by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 4 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Constipation by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 5 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Coryza by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 6 | Homeopathic Medicine for treatment of Cough, Cold & Catarrh by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 7 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diabetes by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 8 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diarrhoea by Schwabe
- Bioplasgen® No. 9 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Dysentery by Schwabe
- Biovina Tonic
- Bismuthum Met 30 11 ml
- Bismutum Pentarkan Ptk 16 Alsar ka Ilaj Acidity and Gastric Ulcer | Schwabe
- Blatta Amer 30 11 ml
- Blatta Orientalis 30 11 ml
- BLATTA ORIENT Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Bloom King Syrup used for growth and energy in children
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- BM28 for the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis aphonia
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- Borax 30 11 ml
- BORAX |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Bothrops 30 11 ml
- Bovista 30 11 ml
- Brain tonic plus an effective tonic for nervous system
- BROMIUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Bromum 30 11 ml
- Broncal cough syrup for the relief of dry and productive cough
- Bryonia Alba 30 11 ml
- Bufo Rana 30 11 ml
- Bufo Rana | Kamal Laboratories
- Buthus Australis 30 11 ml
- CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Cactus Grand 30 11 ml
- Cadmium Met 30 11 ml
- CADMIUM SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cadmium Sulph 30 11 ml
- Caladium seguinum | Kamal Laboratories
- Caladium Seg 30 11 ml
- Calcarea Ars 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA CALCINATA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea calcinata | Kamal Laboratories
- CALCAREA CARBONICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea Carbonica | Kamal Laboratories
- Calcarea Carb 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA FLUORICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea Fluorica| Kamal Laboratories
- CALCAREA FLUOR for enlarged varicose veins by Masood Laboratories
- Calcarea Fluor 30 11 ml
- Calcarea Hyp 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA IODATE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea Iodatum 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA MURIATICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea Phosph 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA PHOS Improves poor digestion by Masood Laboratories Pvt Ltd
- CALCAREA PICRATA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcarea Silicata 30 11 ml
- Calcarea Sulf 30 11 ml
- CALCAREA SULPHURICA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calcium fluoratum | Homeopathic medicine for Beautiful Skin by Schwabe
- Calcium fluoratum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of callus or hardened eczema by Schwabe
- Calcium fluoratum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of haemorrhoids and varicose veins by Schwabe
- Calcium phosphoricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Post traumatic irritation of the periosteum by Schwabe
- Calcium sulfuricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chronic skin disorders by Schwabe
- Calcium With Iron
- Calculi Ren 30 11 ml
- Calendula Ezeeheal Spray | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of domestic accidental injuries by Kent Pharma
- Calendula officinalis Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Calendula Off 30 11ml
- Calendula | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of open wounds, scales and burn injury by Kent Pharma
- CALENDULA | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- CALENDULA-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calicin Syrup | Kamal Laboratories
- CALM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Calotropis Gig 30 11 ml
- Camphora Q |Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Camphora 30 11 ml
- CAMPHOR OFFICINARUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cancer Flav 30 11 ml
- CANNABIS INDICA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- CANNBIS SATIVA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Cantharis burns Cream – Paul Brooks
- Cantharis Cream
- Cantharis vesicatoria Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Cantharis 30 11 ml
- CANTHARIS | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Capsicum Ann 30 11 ml
- Carboneum Sulph 30 11 ml
- Carbo Animalis 30 11 ml
- CARBO ANIMALIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan Ptk 22 for Flatulency problem
- Carbo Vegetabilis 30 11 ml
- CARBO VEGETABILIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Carbo veg | Kamal Laboratories
- Carcinosin 30 11 ml
- Carduus marianus Pentarkan® Ptk. 23 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of chronic liver disease by Schwabe
- CARDUUS MARIANUS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- CARDUUS MARI Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Cascara sagrada Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- CASTICUM 3CH | Kamal Laboratories
- Caulophyllum thalictroides Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Caulophyllum 30 11 ml
- CAUSTICUM HAHNEMANNS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Causticum Hahn 30 11 ml
- Ceanothus americanus Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Ceanothus Amer 30 11 ml
- CEANOTHUS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Cedron 30 11 ml
- Cephalandra indica Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Cerium Oxalicum 30 11 ml
- Chamomilla Rec 30 11 ml
- Chelidonium majus Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Chelidonium Maj 30 11 ml
- CHELIDONIUM Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Chenopodium 30 11 ml
- Chimaphila umbellate Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Chimaphila Umb 30 11 ml
- China officinalis Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- China Off 30 11 ml
- CHININUM ARSENICOSUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Chininum Ars 30 11 ml
- Chininum Sulf 30 11 ml
- CHININUM SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Chionanthus virginica Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Chionanthus Virg 30 11 ml
- CHIRATA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Chloramphenicol 30 11 ml
- Cholesterinum 3x | Kamal Laboratories
- Cholesterinum 30 11 ml
- CHOLESTERINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Chrysarobinum | Kamal Laboratories
- Chrysorobinium Cream
- Cicuta Virosa 30 11 ml
- Cilir Syrup | Kamal Laboratories
- Cimex Lectularius 30 11 ml
- Cimicifuga Rac 30 11 ml
- Cina 30 11 ml
- CINA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- CINERARIA EYE DROPS Cataract Retainer
- Cineraria Maritima | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of cataract, corneal opacities, conjunctivitis, and Blepharitis by Kent Pharma
- Cinnabaris Pentarkan Ptk 31 for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis | Schwabe
- Cinnabaris 30 11 ml
- CINNABARIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cinnamomum 30 11 ml
- Cistus Canadensis 30 11 ml
- Clematis erecta | Kamal Laboratories
- Clematis erecta | Kamal Laboratories
- Clematis 30 11 ml
- CMS Cineraria Maritima Schwabe® Non Alcoholic Homeopathic medicine for treatment of corneal opacities and serious eye problems by Schwabe
- CMS Cineraria Maritima | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of corneal opacities and serious eye problems by Schwabe®
- COBALTUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cobaltum Met 30 11 ml
- Cobaltum Nit 30 11 ml
- COCA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Coca-Erythroxylon coca | Kamal Laboratories
- Cocculus Indica 30 11 ml
- Cocculus Indica 30 11 ml
- Coccus Cacti 30 11 ml
- Coffea Crud 30 11 ml
- Colchicum Aut 30 11 ml
- COLIC |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Collinsonia canadensis Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Collinsonia Can 30 11 ml
- Colocynthis 30 11 ml
- COMMIPHORA MUKUL (GUGUL) Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Condurango Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Condurango 30 11 ml
- CONDURANGO Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Conium Maculatum | Kamal Laboratories
- Conium Mac 30 11 ml
- Constisen Syrup
- Convallaria Majalis 30 11 ml
- Copaiva 30 11 ml
- Corallium Rubrum 30 11 ml
- Cortisonum 30 11 ml
- COUGHZEE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cough Spray
- COUGH & COLD |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Crataegus Heart Tonic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of pain in cardiac region by Kent Pharma
- Crataegus oxyacantha Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Crataegus Oxy 30 11 ml
- CRATAEGUS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Crocus Sativus 30 11 ml
- Crotalus Horridus
- Croton Tiglium 30 11 ml
- Cubeba 30 11 ml
- Cucurbita Pepo 30 11 ml
- Cuphea Visc 30 11 ml
- Cuprum Aceticum 30 11 ml
- CUPRUM ACETICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Cuprum Ars 30 11 ml
- CUPRUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Curare 30 11 ml
- Cyclamen 30 11 ml
- Cydonia vulgaris Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Cydonia Vulgaris 1X (Q) (30ml) for Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, Micro/small Penis
- Cynodon dactylon 30 11 ml
- Cytisus Laburnum 30 11 ml
- Damiagesic Syrup | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Dull headache after coition by Kent Pharma
- Damiana Pentarkan® Ptk. 40 | Uses | Price | Side Effects | Homeopathic medicine by Schwabe
- Damiana 30 11 ml
- Damiana | Homeopathic medicine for Stimulates the male sexual organs by Kent Pharma
- DAMIANA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- DAMIANA-M |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Damiaplant+Manuia Power Course | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Male Impotency by Schwabe
- Damiaplant® | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Male Impotency by Schwabe
- Damia Gold (Sexual Weakness Drops)
- DANDAR (LOTION) | Kamal Laboratories
- DELIVER (Capsules) For quick,safe and easy birth
- Dental Remedy | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Teeth Pain by Kent Pharma
- DEWORM-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Dhamasa Booti | Fagonia | Uses| PCOS | Weight Loss | in Urdu
- DIABETIC COMPOUND |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Diacard gold drops by Madaus price in Pakistan | Uses | Side effects
- DIARRHEA KOMPLEX |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Diarrnol suspension for the relief of Diarrhea and Dysentery by Dr Masood
- Dibalsin | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of diabetes and associated symptoms by Kent Pharma
- DIGITALINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Digitalis 30 11 ml
- Dilan Drops | Heat Tonic | Uses | Side Effects | Price | Kamal Laboratories
- DILOJOR (Capsules) Helpful in relieving of arthritis and muscular pains
- Dioscorea villosa Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Dioscorea Villosa 30 11 ml
- Drosera 30 11 ml
- Dr Reckeweg R 25 Prostate Drops- 22ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute and chronic prostatitis
- Dr.Reckeweg R 182 Stomatitis Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa
- Dr.Reckeweg R 27 Kidney Stone Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Dysmenorrhea
- Dr.Reckeweg R 31 Anaemia Drops. – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Anaemia
- Dr.Reckeweg R 40 Diabetes Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diabetes
- Dr.Reckeweg R 42 Venous Stasis, Varicosis – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Venous stasis
- Dr.Reckeweg R 68 Shingles Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Herpes zoster
- Dr. Reckeweg Ambra 1000 Drops | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Asthenia, general debility in men, Nervous exhaustion, after-effects of illness, Premature ejaculation, Vertigo and weakness of memory
- Dr. Reckeweg Aspidosperma Ø Homoeopathic Mother Tincture
- Dr. Reckeweg Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops – 10ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chronic conjunctivitis, conjuctival irritation
- Dr. Reckeweg Damia Gold Sexual Weakness Drops – 50ml | Uses | Side Effects | Price
- Dr. Reckeweg Germany R 29 Vertigo Syncope – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of vascular disturbances
- Dr. Reckeweg Germany R 94 Cicatin Lotion 150ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of prevent infection
- Dr. Reckeweg R 1 Inflammation Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammation
- Dr. Reckeweg R 10 Climacteric Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Climacteric complaints
- Dr. Reckeweg R 11 Rheumatism drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Rheumatism
- Dr. Reckeweg R 12 Arteriosclerosis Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Arteriosclerosis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 13 Hemorrhoidal Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hemorrhoidal
- Dr. Reckeweg R 130 Insulin Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of High Blood Sugar
- Dr. Reckeweg R 131 Carduus Hepatic Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cirrhosis of the Liver
- Dr. Reckeweg R 15 Vita C Nerve and Energy Tonic- 250ml | Homeopathic medicine for the Nerve and Energy Tonic
- Dr. Reckeweg R 16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Migraine, nervous headaches
- Dr. Reckeweg R 17 Forte Glandular Enlargement Ampoules (12Amp x 10ml) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Glandular Enlargement
- Dr. Reckeweg R 17 Glandular Enlargement drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Temporarily relieves eczema, rashes, warts
- Dr. Reckeweg R 18 Kidney and Bladder Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammation of the kidneys
- Dr. Reckeweg R 183 Anti Allergy Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of allergies
- Dr. Reckeweg R 184 Anti Stress Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of temporary depression
- Dr. Reckeweg R 185 Hypertension Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of blood pressure
- Dr. Reckeweg R 187 Neuralgic headache Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Neuralgic pains in the area of the head
- Dr. Reckeweg R 188 Warts Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of verrucae vulgaris
- Dr. Reckeweg R 189 Nail Disorders Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Disorders of nail growth
- Dr. Reckeweg R 190 Digestion Drops | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of nausea and epigastrial pain
- Dr. Reckeweg R 191 Tinnitus Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of nervous hypersensitivity
- Dr. Reckeweg R 192 Constipation Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Indigestion
- Dr. Reckeweg R 193 Immune System Fortifier Drops – 50 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of inflammatory processes
- Dr. Reckeweg R 2 Essentia Aurea-Gold drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Organic and functional affections of the heart
- Dr. Reckeweg R 21 Skin Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chronic eczema
- Dr. Reckeweg R 22 Drops for Nervous Disorders – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nervous disturbances
- Dr. Reckeweg R 23 Eczema Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute and chronic eczema
- Dr. Reckeweg R 24 Pleurisy, Intercostal Neuralgia – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pleuritis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 26 Regeneration Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Headaches & Migraine
- Dr. Reckeweg R 3 Heart Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Heart inefficiencies of a light to medium degre
- Dr. Reckeweg R 30 Universal Ointment | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of rheumatism of muscles and joints
- Dr. Reckeweg R 32 Hyperhidrosis of varying genesis – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of hyperhidrosis of varying genesis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 33 Constitutional Treatment in Epilepsy – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Epilepsy and epileptoid attacks
- Dr. Reckeweg R 34 Recalcifying Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of calcium deficiency
- Dr. Reckeweg R 35 Teething Aches Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Painful dentition, dental cramps delayed teething
- Dr. Reckeweg R 36 Diseases of the Nerves – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diseases of the Nerves
- Dr. Reckeweg R 37 Intestinal Colic Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Flatulent colic
- Dr. Reckeweg R 38 Affections of the abdomen (right side) – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Affections of the ovaries
- Dr. Reckeweg R 39 (left side) abdomen – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Affections of the ovaries
- Dr. Reckeweg R 4 Enterocolin – Diarrhoea Drops 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute and chronic gastro-entero-colitis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 41P Sexual Neurasthenia Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Sexual asthenia
- Dr. Reckeweg R 43 Asthma Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bronchial asthma and spastic bronchitis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 44 Disorders of the blood circulation – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Weakness of the conduction and hypotony
- Dr. Reckeweg R 45 Illnesses of the Larynx – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hoarseness
- Dr. Reckeweg R 46 In rheumatism of fore-arms and hands – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of rheumatism and gout of fore-arms and hands
- Dr. Reckeweg R 47 All Hysteric Complaints – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hysteric ball
- Dr. Reckeweg R 48 Pulmonary diseases – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pulmonary weakness and first appearance of tuberculous diseases
- Dr. Reckeweg R 49 Sinusitis Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of acute and chronic catarrh of the nose and maxillary sinus
- Dr. Reckeweg R 5 Stomach Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Gastreu Stomach
- Dr. Reckeweg R 50 Gynecological Sacroiliac Complaints – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pains of various nature in the sacral region
- Dr. Reckeweg R 51 Thyroid Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Thyreotoxicosis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 52 Vomiting Nausea Travel Sickness – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nausea
- Dr. Reckeweg R 53 Acne Vulgaris.Rash at Puberty – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acne vulgaris
- Dr. Reckeweg R 54 Memory Drops – 22 ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Disturbances in cerebral function
- Dr. Reckeweg R 55 All kinds of injuries, healing effect on wounds – 22 M | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Injuries
- Dr. Reckeweg R 56 Worms Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of ascarides and oxyures
- Dr. Reckeweg R 57 Pulmonary Tonic – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Weakness of the perenchymateous organs
- Dr. Reckeweg R 58 Oedema Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Muscular weakness of the heart
- Dr. Reckeweg R 59 Slimming Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Obesity
- Dr. Reckeweg R 6 Influenza Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Influenza
- Dr. Reckeweg R 60 Blood Purifier – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Impurities of the blood
- Dr. Reckeweg R 61 Lumbagin Rheumatic ointment | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Lumbago
- Dr. Reckeweg R 62 Measles Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of inflammation of mucous membranes
- Dr. Reckeweg R 63 Drops for Impaired Circulation – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Peripheral vascular disturbances
- Dr. Reckeweg R 64 Albuminuria Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of chronic nephritis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 65 Psoriasis Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris
- Dr. Reckeweg R 66 Cardiac Arrhythmia Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Disorders of cardiac rhythm
- Dr. Reckeweg R 67 Drops for Circulatory Debility – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute circulatory disturbances
- Dr. Reckeweg R 69 Drops for Pain Between The Ribs – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Intercostal Neuralgia
- Dr. Reckeweg R 7 Liver And Gallbladder Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Liver And Gallbladder
- Dr. Reckeweg R 70 Neuralgia Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Neuralgias in various areas
- Dr. Reckeweg R 71 Sciatica Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of vertebral discs
- Dr. Reckeweg R 72 Pancreas Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of diseases of the pancreas
- Dr. Reckeweg R 73 Drops for the Joints – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Osteo-arthritis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 74 Bed Wetting Drops for Nocturnal Enuresis – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of bladder weakness
- Dr. Reckeweg R 75 Dysmenorrhoea Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cramping pains
- Dr. Reckeweg R 76 Asthma Forte Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Constitutional asthma-therapy
- Dr. Reckeweg R 77 Anti-Smoking Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of withdrawal of smokers
- Dr. Reckeweg R 78 Eye care – Drops for Oral Administration | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chronic conjunctivitis
- Dr. Reckeweg R 79 Heart Capsules -90 Caps | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hypertension
- Dr. Reckeweg R 8 JUTUSSIN Cough Syrup -150ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cough
- Dr. Reckeweg R 80 Arnica Oil – 100ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of rheumatism of joint and muscles
- Dr. Reckeweg R 81 Maldol – Analgesic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Headaches
- Dr. Reckeweg R 82 Mycox – Anti-Fungal Drops – 30 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Fungal infections
- Dr. Reckeweg R 88 Anti-Viral Drops – 30 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Measles
- Dr. Reckeweg R 9 Cough Drops – 22 ML | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cough
- Dr. Reckeweg R 96 Nasal Spray- 15ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute and Chronic Catarrh
- Dr. Reckeweg R 97 Histaminum Compositum Nasal Spray- 15ml | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of allergic reaction
- Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum 8x Tablets | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum 8x Tablets | Homeopathic medicine for Diabetes Mellitus
- Dr. Reckeweg Vita C 15 Forte Amp | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Physical Stress
- Dulcamara 30 11 ml
- Duodenol | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of hyper acidity and Epigastric disorders by Kent Pharma
- DYRO Syrup| Kamal Laboratories
- DYRO (DROPS) Child Supporter
- EARACHE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Easy Teething | Homeopathic medicine for easy eruption of teeth by Kent Pharma
- Echinacea angustifolia Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Echinacea Angust 30 11 ml
- Echinacea Pentarkan® Ptk. 42 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammation of Mucous membranes by Schwabe
- ECHINACEA | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- ECHINACEA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Echinecea Cream
- Eczema Cream
- Elaps Corallinus 30 11 ml
- Elaterium 30 11 ml
- EMALSO | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Enerfit | Complete homoeopathic food supplement by Kent Pharma
- Energizer Forte Tonic By Kent Pharma
- Enuroplant® | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bed wetting by Schwabe
- Eosinum | Kamal Laboratories
- Ephedrinum Hyd 30 11 ml
- Epigaea Repens 30 11 ml
- ERYNGIUM Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Eupatorium Pentarkan® Ptk. 43 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of influenza infections by Schwabe
- Euphrasia Eye Drops By Kent Pharma
- Euphrasia Eye Drops | Kamal Laboratories
- Fagcin Tablets | Kamal Laboratories
- FAIR & PINK GLOW CREAM SPF-30 | Uses | Side Effects | Price in Pakistan
- Fat Burners Fucus Cream | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of obesity by Kent Pharma
- Female Tonic | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of physical weakness in females by Kent Pharma
- FEMINEX SYRUP | Homeopathic medicine Used As General Tonic For Female by Masood Pharma
- FEMIN-H |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ferrolocithin
- Ferrum Compound | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of anemia by Kent Pharma
- FERRUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ferrum Pentarkan Ptk 45 for Feeling of Weakness | Schwabe
- FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ferrum phosphoricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of first-degree sunburns by Schwabe
- FERRUM SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- FEVEROL-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Fever Compound | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of fevers by Kent Pharma
- Ficus Carica Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Five Phos | Kamal Laboratories
- FOSSIN COMPLEX |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Fraxinus americana Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- FUCUS VESICULOSUS Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- FYTOLACA HF good for obesity | weight loss by Dr Masood
- Fytolaca Tablets Homoeopathic medicine for obesity of both the sexes by Dr Masood
- Galar (Spray)
- Garlic Pur Capsule By Kent Pharma
- Gastric Plus | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Gastric problem by Kent Pharma
- Gastric | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Gastric problem by Kent Pharma
- Gastric+Herbal Tablets By Kent Pharma
- Gastrogesic Syrup | Homeopathic medicine For chronic gastritis and acidity by Kent Pharma
- GASTROLL |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Gastronex Plus efficacious in all kinds of gastrointestinal complaints.
- GASTROZEE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Gentiana lutea Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Gestofill for For acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia by Qarshi
- Gettysburg water | Kamal Laboratories
- Ginkgo Cerebral Tonic by Kent Pharma
- Ginko Biloba Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- GINO’ZEE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ginseng Panax White Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- GINSENG Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- GLONOINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Gnaphalium Pentarkan® Ptk. 49 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Weakness and pain in Lower back and legs due to sciatic nerve by Schwabe
- Gossypium herbaceum Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Graphites Pentarkan Ptk 50 for the treatment of Dermatitis / Eczema | Schwabe
- GRAPHITES |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- GRAPHITES | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Grindelia Pentarkan® Ptk. 51 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Difficult Breathing / Bronchial Asthma by Schwabe
- Guaiacum Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Gymnema sylyestre Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HAMAMELIS | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- HAMAMELIS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Happi Kidney Relieves in symptom of urinary infection, cystitis & helps to excrete kidney stones
- Happi Liver Restores Liver Function
- Happi Man Syrup | Kamal Laboratories
- Happi Man Tonic for men loaded with SIBERIAN GINSENG
- Happi Woman Tonic for Woman
- HARITAKI Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Hekla lava | Kamal Laboratories
- Hemabar – A (Capsules) For Internal Hemorrhage for Fresh Blood
- Hemabar – B (Capsules) For Internal Hemorrhage of Black Blood
- Hensel the best homeopathic syrup for iron deficiency and pernicious anemia
- Hepalgin syrup for improvement of liver function and liver diseases
- HEPAR SULPHURIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Hepar sulph | Kamal Laboratories
- Hitrechol Capsules for Dissolving Gallstones
- Homeopathic Enerjizer tablet for weak memory, mental fatigue and exhaustion
- Homeopathic Medicine for cold Aconitum Pentarkan Ptk 2 Schwabe
- Homeopathic Pharma’s Broncal cough syrup effective for the relief of dry and productive cough.
- Homoeopathic’s Alfalfa syrup with Ginseng
- Honex-B-100
- HR 15 | Homeopathic medicine for uric acid in Pakistan
- HR 49 DROPS Medicine uses | results | side effects | reviews | Breast enlargement by Masood
- HR 92 CIRCULONOM, a unique combination of herbs to activate your circulation
- HR 93 FADE-OUT is effective for skin to eliminate dryness
- HR 94 FREGO is effective for skin to reduce wrinkles
- HR 95 DERMOFIT is effective for preventing the signs of premature aging
- HR 96 HAIR NUTRO PLUS effective for better hair growth
- HR 97 GRAY GO to prevent the premature graying of hair
- HR 98 ALLEGXA for the treatment of seasonal allergies, runny nose, sneezing, cough, cold
- HR-01 (DIABENOL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Blood Sugar by Masood Pharma
- HR-02 (ICTERON) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Liver Diseases Including Hepatitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-03 (INFLAM) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammations Of All Kind by Masood Pharma
- HR-04 (RHENICINE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Catarrh And Sinusitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-05 (FLUHEAL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Influenza by Masood Pharma
- HR-06 (KOFNOT) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Relieving Cough by Masood Pharma
- HR-07 (ENTRICOL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute And Chronic Diarrhea by Masood Pharma
- HR-08 (FEMI-H) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Unwanted Facial Hairs In Females by Masood Pharma
- HR-09 (MIGPA-HF) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Relieving Headache And Migraine by Masood Pharma
- HR-10 (TONSITEC) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Enlarged Tonsils by Masood Pharma
- HR-100 TEETHING AID effective for colic in children
- HR-101 ASCABRID effective in Burning and itching
- HR-11 (HIGHLIN) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of High Blood Pressure by Masood Pharma
- HR-12 (LOWIN) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Low Blood Pressure by Masood Pharma
- HR-13 (URANON) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Depletion Of Side Effects Of Diabetes by Masood Pharma
- HR-14 (ULSET) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Gastric And Duodenal Ulcers by Masood Pharma
- HR-16 (RELAXOFOS) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Depression, Anxiety And Tension by Masood Pharma
- HR-17 (HEPALGIN) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hepatitis And Gall Stones by Masood Pharma
- HR-18 (INFO-M) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Male Infertility by Masood Pharma
- HR-19 (INFO-F) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Female Infertility by Masood Pharma
- HR-20 (SCIATIALGIN) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Sciatica by Masood Pharma
- HR-21 (FEMINA) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Menstrual Troubles by Masood Pharma
- HR-22 (DERMAHEAL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Eczema And Psoriasis by Masood Pharma
- HR-23 (HEMORHINE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bleeding And Non-Bleeding Piles by Masood pharma
- HR-24 (FAIRY FACE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pimples And Acne by Masood Pharma
- HR-25 (EZINOL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Prostate Problems by Masood Pharma
- HR-26 (LUMBOJIN) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Lumbago And Backache by Masood Pharma
- HR-27 (HEPAREG) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Liver Disorders And Hepatitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-28 (TUMORAL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Tumors by Masood Pharma
- HR-29 (ENURIS) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bed Wetting by Masood Pharma
- HR-30 (SARSAPAR) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Skin Troubles And Blood Purification by Masood Pharma
- HR-31 (RHEUMA) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism And Gout Masood Pharma
- HR-32 (HYTON) | Homeopathic medicine for Height Increase By Masood Pharma
- HR-33 (HEMOFORM) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Anemia And Loss Of Appetite Masood Pharma
- HR-34 (HERBUSTHINE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Curing Bronchial Asthma By Masood Pharma
- HR-35 (GASTRONEX) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Indigestion, Gas And Gastritis By Masood Pharma
- HR-36 (PARALYSIS-C)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Curing Paralysis by Masood Pharma
- HR-37 (HYSTROFEN)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hysteria by Masood Pharma
- HR-38 (TOXINA) | Homeopathic medicine Used As An Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Toxin And Immunity Stimulator by Masood Pharma
- HR-39 (LEXAPIN)| Homeopathic medicine for Treatment Of Constipation by Masood Pharma
- HR-40 (FORTITONE)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Male Impotency by Masood Pharma
- HR-41 (AVENASOM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Insomnia by Masood Pharma
- HR-42 (VEINOHAEM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Varicose Veins by Masood Pharma
- HR-43 (FOLICULENUM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Controlling Baldness And Promoting Hair Growth by Masood Pharma
- HR-44 (AROCARDIN)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Angina Pectoris And Palpitation (Gold Drops) by Masood Pharma
- HR-45 (HAEMOSTASIS)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bleeding From Body Parts And Wounds In Both Men And Women by Masood Pharma
- HR-46 (LEUCO-F)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Leucorrhoea by Masood Pharma
- HR-47 (ASTHAMINE)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Asthma And Asthmatic Bronchitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-48 (CHOLESTIN)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Controlling High Cholesterol by Masood Pharma
- HR-49 (FEMITONE)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Underdeveloped And Atrophic Mammary Glands by Masood Pharma
- HR-50 (HARMOVIT-M)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Regulating Male Hormonal System by Masood Pharma
- HR-51 (HARMOVIT-F)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Regulating Female Hormonal System by Masood Pharma
- HR-52 (HYPER THYREO)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Thyrotoxicosis by Masood Pharma
- HR-53 (HYPO THYREO)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hypothyroidism by Masood Pharma
- HR-54 (INTESTOVERM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Vermifuge by Masood Pharma
- HR-55 (BUFOZIN)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Epilepsy by Masood Pharma
- HR-56 (RHEUMATONE)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Recalcifying Bone Texture by Masood Pharma
- HR-57 (VIGORE-ZEE)| Homeopathic Sports Drops by Masood Pharma
- HR-58 (OPTI-TECK)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Ophthalmic Problems And Improvement Of Eye Sight by Masood Pharma
- HR-59 (EARODRUM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Earache by Masood Pharma
- HR-60 (STOMA)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Mouth Ulcers And Stomatitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-61 (CYSTICON)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Burning Micturition by Masood Pharma
- HR-62 (FATIGUERON)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Fatigue, Muscular Weakness And Joint Pains by Masood Pharma
- HR-63 (PAPILLOMATA)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Removal Of Warts by Masood Pharma
- HR-64 (CATCOM)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cataract by Masood Pharma
- HR-65 (CIRCULO-TONE)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Impaired Circulation by Masood Pharma
- HR-66 (GYNAE-INFO)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Vaginitis And Vulvovaginitis by Masood Pharma
- HR-67 (FREEZON)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Frozen Shoulder by Masood Pharma
- HR-68 (CIGDOWN)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Absolution From Smoking by Masood Pharma
- HR-69 (GINGISTO)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pyorrhea infection by Masood Pharma
- HR-70-71-72 (FIBROMATA 1,2,3)| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Uterine Fibroids by Masood Pharma
- HR-73 (DIURELINE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diuretic by Masood Pharma
- HR-74 (VITADEF) | Homeopathic medicine for Vitamin And Minerals Deficiency by Masood Pharma
- HR-75 (CARBUNCULONE) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Treating Carbuncles by Masood Pharma
- HR-76 (COLITISULS) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Inflammation And Ulcers Of Small And Large Intestine by Masood Pharma
- HR-77 (RENOCAL) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Kidney Pain And Renal Calculi by Masood Pharma
- HR-78 (SEBORRHA) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis And Dandruff by Masood Pharma
- HR-79 (REXMENS) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome by Masood Pharma
- HR-80 (IMMU-STEP) | Homeopathic medicine for Immunity Against Diseases by Masood Pharma
- HR-81 (CANACURA) | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Candida Albicans Of Fingers And Nails by Masood Pharma
- HR-82 (Phytophatnil) for the treatment of obesity
- HR-83 (SPEMATO) for treatment of spermatorrhea
- HR-84 (DERMIKAM) for the treatment of skin allergy
- HR-85 TREMCULUS for an effective for the treatment of Parkinsonism
- HR-86 SOLTRET an effective for the treatment of heat stroke
- HR-87 EMERGENO-SH an effective of shOCK
- HR-88 MANICUT an effective for the treatment of irritability
- HR-89 CUREOSHIZ an effective for the treatment of Schizophrenia.
- HR-90 NEROGIN PLUS an effective for boost your intellectual capacity.
- HR-91 EXON effective for nervous irritability, anxiety, and stress
- HR-99 KAIRA effective to fight flu & nasal drip
- Hydrangea arborescens Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HYDRANGEA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Hydrastis canadensis Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HYDROCOTYLE | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- HYDROCOTYLE Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Hylin High blood pressure tablets effectively control hypertension by Dr Masood
- Hypericum perforatum Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- HYPERICUM | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Hyzo Tablets For Dyspepsia, Heart burn & Gastric complaints
- H.Pylori & GIT | Kamal Laboratories
- Ignatia | Kamal Laboratories
- INDIUM METALICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Infa Bloom Syrup used for growth and vitality in children
- INFLUENZA-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- INSULINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- IODIUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- IODOFORMUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- IRIDIUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- IRONOL-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ispaghol Husk for constipation, acidity, dysentery and cholesterol control by Qarshi
- Kalipron plus tablets effective pain reliever by Dr Masood
- Kalium Chloratum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of inflammations of the synovial bursae by Schwabe
- Kalium phosphoricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of urticaria by Schwabe
- Kalium sulfuricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Papulous skin eruptions by Schwabe
- KALI BICHROMICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KALI BROMATUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KALI CARBONICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KALI CHLORATUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KALI MURIATICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KALI OXALICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Kali Phosphoricum
- KALI PHOSPHORICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Kali phos | Kamal Laboratories
- KALI SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Kalmegh
- Kalmin Tablets an effective Homeopathic pain reliever (pain killer) by Dr Masood
- KAMAL BABY (TONIC) | Kamal Laboratories
- Kamal (Eye Drops) | Kamal Laboratories
- KAMAL (OINTMENT) Multipurpose skin ointment
- KAMAL (OINTMENT) | Kamal Laboratories
- Kamal 21 Tablets | Kamal Laboratories
- Kamal’s KHOONSAAF | Kamal Laboratories
- Kent Acne Cure Medicated Cream | Kent Laboratories
- Kent Drop 1 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Asthma & Asthmatic attacks by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 10 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Leucorrhoea by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 11 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Liver and Gall Bladder Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 12 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Menstruation Disorders by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 13 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nerve and Brain Tonic by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 14 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Obesity by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 15 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Rheumatic Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 16 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Male Sexual Weakness by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 17 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Acute and Chronic Sinusites by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 18 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Skin Disorders by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 19 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Insomnia and Nervous Exhaustion by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 2 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Flatulent colic by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 20 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Vermifuge by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 21 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Leucoderma by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 22 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Infammation by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 23 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Laxative by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 24 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Leucorrhoea by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 25 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Prostatittes by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 26 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Toothache by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 27 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Dysentery by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 28 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Vertigo by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 29 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Migraine by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 3 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cough and Cold by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 31 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bed Wetting by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 32 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of High Blood Pressure by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 35 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Height Up Drops by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 36 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Ear Problems by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 37 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Bones Muscles Nerves Problems by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 38 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Arthritis by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 39 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Eye Irritation by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 4 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Diabetes by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 40 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Neuralgia by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 41 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Liver and Gall Bladder Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 42 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of High Cholesterol by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 43 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hair Loss by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 44 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Injuries by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 45 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Amenorrhea & Dysmenorrhea by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 46 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Menorrhagia by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 47 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Mouth Ulcer by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 48 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Stimulation of Defensive System by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 49 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Albuminuria by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 5 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Gastro-Intestinal Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 50 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Ginseng Drops by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 51 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Vomiting and Nausea by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 52 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chlolelithiasis by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 53 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hepatitis A, B, E by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 54 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hepatitis C by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 55 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Epilepsy by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 56 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Paralysis General by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 57 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Osteo Arthritis by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 58 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Tonsillitis Drops by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 59 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Goitre by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 6 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Heart Problems by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 60 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Cervical Spondylosis by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 61 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Chicken Pox by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 62 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Low Blood Pressure by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 63 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Measles by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 64 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hey Fever by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 65 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Anemia And Debility by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 66 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Tumor by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 67 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Hernia by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 7 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Haemorrhoidal Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 8 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Influenza by Kent Pharma
- Kent Drop 9 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Kidney & Bladder Disease by Kent Pharma
- Kent Ointment 30 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of rheumatism arthritis & gout by Kent Pharma
- Khatooni Syrup for menstrual irregularities by Qarshi
- KL 1 (HEPAR -1) Feel free & alive…..
- KL 10 (GRIPPE ) Because you deserve to be Well
- KL 11 (RALIA) Get Rhythm in life
- KL 14 (FEBRO) The Family Friend
- KL 15 (FUCO ) The Healthy Life
- KL 16 (HELONA) for Leucorrhea by Kamal Laboratories
- KL 17 (SPISAN) Relief beyond the belief
- KL 2 (AUROART) A life Time Power over Hypertension
- KL 20 (ACOCARD) Care for Heart
- KL 3 ( HYPOTEN) Relief Hypotension to Life
- KL 4 (SYZOPHOS) Don’t get mad, get relief diabetes
- KL 49 – Busty Spray Helpful for Female Breast Size Enhancement – Kamal Laboratories
- KL 5 (BROMO-5) Just smiles and get dimples
- KL 6 (ROBINIA) for Heartburn & acidity by Kamal Laboratories
- KL 7 (ALOE) We are Free for Haemmorhoids
- KL 8 (HYOSCIN- D) Life begins when pain ends
- KL 9 (MENSU D-ODS) Lets celebrate freedom
- Koch’s lymph
- Kraver Gold tablet effective Homeopathic medicine for Sexual weakness in Men, erectile dysfunction and sexual debility, premature ejaculation
- KREOSOTUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- KS 1 Calendulla Cream “Remedy for cuts, wounds, burns & skin irritation”
- KS 2 Cantharis cream “A Remedy for Burns”
- KS 3 LEDUM Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’A first aid for punctured wounds and stings”
- KS 4 APIS DERMA Cream (With Olive Oil) “Relieves allergies & stings”
- KS 5 THUJA Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Helps to relieve warts and moles”
- KS-10 HAMAMELIS Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Relieves the symptoms of varicose veins & bleeding’s piles”
- KS-11 SULPHUR Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Relieves all types of skin affections”
- KS-12 HYPERICUM Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’ Relieves injury pains & lacerations”
- KS-13 ECHI Care Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’ Organic antiseptic, stimulates the immune system”
- KS-15 SYMPHYTUM Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Bone set Remedy”
- KS-16 HYDROCOTYLE Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Helps to relieve white pigmentation of skin & psoriasis”
- KS-17 AKNI Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Clear acnes & pimples”
- KS-18 TOT Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Relieves Nappy Rashes”
- KS-19 Breast Enlargement Busty Cream (With Olive Oil) by Kamal Laboratories
- KS-6 URTI DERMA Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Relieves nettle rash, shingles and allergies”
- KS-7 ALOE VERA Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’A nature’s antiseptic gift for skin care and bleedings piles”
- KS-8 ARNICA Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Gives relief to trauma & muscular pain”
- KS-9 GRAPHI Cream (With Olive Oil) ‘’Helps to relieve weeping eczema & nails disorders”
- KUFZIT Syrup Enough with the cough
- KUFZIT (Capsules) Cough due to cold and flu with fever,
- KURCHI Ø| Kamal Laboratories
- Laak Capsules | Kamal Laboratories
- Laak (Tablets) | Kamal Laboratories
- LAPIS ALBUS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- LAUROCERASUS Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- LECITHINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- LEMNA MINOR Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Lepidium | Kamal Laboratories
- LITHIUM CARBONICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- LIVEROL-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Lori (Tablets) | Kamal Laboratories
- LUFFA BIND Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Luzy Syrup | Kamal Laboratories
- Luzy Tablet Uses & Side Effects in Constipation | Kamal Laboratories
- LYCOPODIUM | Kamal Laboratories
- MAGNESIA MURIATICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- MAGNESIA SULPHURICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Magnesium phosphoricum Pentarkan Ptk 60 for Painful Menstruation | Schwabe
- Magnesium phosphoricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Pricking sensations by Schwabe
- Magnesium Phos | Kamal Laboratories
- MALSHI (OINTMENT) for Relieve of Joints Pain & Trauma hits
- MANGANUM ACETICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Manuia®| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Nervous Exhaustion by Schwabe
- MBULANS (Spray)
- MEIJI BIG for nutritional support to children aged 1 and over
- MEIJI BIG for the healthy growth of children aged 1 and over
- Meiji FMT Infant Milk Powder, Stage 1
- Meiji FU Instant Milk for infants from 6 -12 months
- Meiji Kids plus for the healthy growth of children aged 3 years and onwards
- Meiji Lactoless for infants with lactose deficiency or transient lactose intolerance
- Meiji Mamilac essential for the growth & development of Eye & Brain
- Meiji Pre is a specialized formula designed for preterm / low birth weight infants
- Menola tonic for general weakness and debility.
- MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Mercurius sol | Kamal Laboratories
- Methotrexate | Kamal Laboratories
- Millefolium Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Moringa oleifera Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- MORINGA OLEIFERA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Moschus q Price in Pakistan | Mother Tincture
- MOSCHUS 2CH | Kamal Laboratories
- MPW-01 (HI–HEM) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-02 (CELAM) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-03 (BRONCIOL) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-04 (HISTOMAL) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-05 (KIDOFIT) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-06 (DYSMEN) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-07 (DYJEST) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-08 (MUBEX) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-09 (CARDIOX) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-10 (CARDISTAB) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-11 (NERVIX) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-12 (LEUCONIL) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-13 (NERVOSIN) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-14 (NEUREX) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-15 (TONSIFLAM) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-16 (ZERTON) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-17 (URISED) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-18 (ICHVEN) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-19 (ARFOS) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-20 (DESTRES) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-22 (DEBIREX) |By Masood Pharma
- MPW-24 (LICOTON) |By Masood Pharma
- Mullion Oil | Kamal Laboratories
- Musaffeen Liquid for blood purification by Qarshi
- Naphkid (Drops) | Kamal Laboratories
- NAPHTHALINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Narax (Capsules) | Best homeopathic medicine for leucorrhea | likoria | in Pakistan
- Natrium Chloratum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Herpetic eruptions by Schwabe
- Natrium phosphoricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of pimples with greasy skin by Schwabe
- Natrium sulfuricum | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Impetigious eruptions by Schwabe
- NATRUM CARBONICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- NATRUM MURIATICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Natrum mur | Kamal Laboratories
- NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Natrum phos | Kamal Laboratories
- NEPHROZEE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Neurotex-E (Ginkgo Biloba +Bacopa Monerri tablets) good for cerebral functions & nervous exhaustion.
- Nuphar luteum Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Nux vomica Pentarkan® Ptk. 63 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of stomach complaints by Schwabe
- NUX VOMICA 30 | 200 | Price in Pakistan | Kamal Laboratories
- PAIN & FEVER |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PARAFFINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Pareira brava Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PASSIFLORA INCARNATA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Passiflora Pentarkan® Ptk. 66 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Difficulty in falling sleep by Schwabe
- PENICILLINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PETROLEUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PHOSPHORUS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Phytolacca Berry | Best weight loss medicine in Pakistan
- PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PICHI Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Picric acid | Kamal Laboratories
- PILESCAP |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PINUS LAMBERTINA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PIPER LONGUM Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Piscidia piscipula Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PIX LIQUIDA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Plantago major Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- PLANTAGO | Kamal Laboratories
- PLATINUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- PLUMBUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Potencies (Dilutions) | Kamal Laboratories
- Pothos foetidus | Kamal Laboratories
- Psoralea corylifolia Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- RADIUM BROMIDE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- RADIUM BROMIDE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Ranunculus bulbosus Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Rauwolfia serpentina Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- RAUWOLFIA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- RAUWOLFIA-Z |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Relaxofos tablets effective Homoeopathic medicines for anxiety and depression by Dr masood
- Rexorubia granules lehning price in Pakistan | Weight gainer | Food Supplement
- RHEUMA SALBE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Rhus aromatica Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Rhus toxicodendron Pentarkan® Ptk. 73 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of rheumatic muscle and joint complaints by Schwabe
- RHUS TOX | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- RING OFF (Capsules) Normalize the Prolapsed, Enlarged or Displaced Uterus……
- ROSA CANINA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- ROSE | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- RUK (Capsules) For skin itching & irritation
- Ruta graveolens Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- R 28 Menstrual Disorder Drops
- R 30 Universal Ointment
- R 31 Anaemia Drops
- R 32 Hyperhidrosis of varying genesis
- R 34 Recalcifying Drops
- R 35 Teething Aches Drops
- R-1 Inflammation Drops
- R-10 Climacteric Drops
- R-11 Rheumatism drops
- R-12 Arteriosclerosis Drops
- R-13 Hemorrhoidal Drops
- R-14 Nerve and sleep -Drops
- R-15 Vita C Nerve and Energy Tonic
- R-16 Migraine And Neuralgia Drops
- R-18 Kidney and Bladder Drops
- R-2 Essentia Aurea-Gold drops
- R-21 Skin Drops
- R-22 Drops for Nervous Disorders
- R-23 Eczema Drops
- R-24 Pleurisy, Intercostal Neuralgia
- R-25 Prostate Drops
- R-27 Kidney Stone Drops
- R-27 Kidney Stone Drops
- R-3 Heart Drops
- R-4 Enterocolin – Diarrhoea Drops
- R-41 Sexual Neurasthenia Drops – Plain
- R-5 Stomach Drops
- R-6 Influenza Drops
- R-7 Liver And Gallbladder Drops
- R-8 JUTUSSIN Cough Syrup
- R-9 Cough Drops
- R41F Homeopathic Medicine for sexual weakness price in Pakistan | Dr Rekeweg
- Sabal Pentarkan® Ptk. 75| Homeopathic medicine for treatment of cystitis and inflammation of the prostate by Schwabe
- SABAL SERRULATA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- SABAL SERR Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- SABINA Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- SACCHARUM LACTIS |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Salix nigra Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- SALIX NIGRA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- SANGUINARIA NITRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- SANI (GUM SPRAY) | Kamal Laboratories
- SANTONINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- SARKANDA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Selenium 3x | 30 | 200 | Uses | price in pakistan
- SELENIUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Selenium | Kamal Laboratories
- Senega Pentarkan Ptk 77 for Chronic Bronchitis | Schwabe
- SEPTEX (Capsules)
- Serum anguillae | Kamal Laboratories
- SHADAN FORTE (Capsules) Mental Nerve & Sexual Tonic for Men
- Sharbat Toot Siah for the relief of throat – Pharyngitis by Qarshi
- Sharbat-e-faulad | Kent Pharmacy
- Silicea Lotion® | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Damage Skin by Schwabe
- SILICEA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Silicea | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Weeping eczemas by Schwabe
- SINUS ALL-IN-ONE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- SINUS EASE |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- SMOKERS DETOX |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Solidago Pentarkan® Ptk. 79 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of oedema as a result of kidney and urinary disorders by Schwabe
- Solidago virgaurea Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- Spigelia Pentarkan® Ptk. 81 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of headaches by Schwabe
- Staphysagria | Kamal Laboratories
- STERCULIA Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- Sticta Pentarkan® Ptk. 82 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of acute bronchitis by Schwabe
- STRONTIUM CARBONICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- SULPHUR OINTMENT | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- SULPHUR 3CH | Kamal Laboratories
- SULPHUR |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Symphytum officinale Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM Q | Mother Tinctures By Masood Pharma
- TAIFAX SYRUP Lowers the Fevers
- Tannic acid | Kamal Laboratories
- TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- TEETHING |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- TELLURIUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- TEREBINTHINA |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- TERMINALIA ARJUNA Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Thiosinaminum | Kamal Laboratories
- THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- THUJA OCCIDENTALIS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Thuja | Kamal Laboratories
- THUJA | Ointment by Masood Pharma
- Thyroidinum | Kamal Laboratories
- Titanium met
- TITANIUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Titanium met | Homoepathic Medicine
- TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- TRIBULUS TERR Ø | Kamal Laboratories
- TRILLIUM PENDULUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Trotyl (T.N.T) | Kamal Laboratories
- T.N.T |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- URANIUM NITRICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Uric acid| Kamal Laboratories
- Urtica Pentarkan® Ptk. 86 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Itchy Skin & Rashes by Schwabe
- URTICA URENS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Urynil syrup beneficial effect for Gout
- USNEA BARBATA Q| Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- UVA URSI Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Vagical gel (With Applicator) | Kamal Laboratories
- Vagical – Best Antifungal Cream for private area vulvar itching and vaginal itching solution cream
- VANADIUM METALLICUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- VARIOLINUM |DR Zia Pharmaceuticals
- Veratrum Pentarkan® Ptk. 87 | Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of diarrheal diseases by Schwabe
- VIBURNUM OPULUS Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Vil-M an ideal Homeopathic Sexual Tonic for both sexes (males & females-
- VISCUM ALBUM Q | Mother Tincture By Masood Pharma
- Viscum Pentarkan® Ptk. 89 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of High blood pressure by Schwabe